Jack today, four years old

I'm proud to be an affiliate photographer with The Tiny Footprints Project (TTFP). TTFP is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that matches affiliated photographers to parents of babies living in the NICU to provide a free lifestyle portrait session. 

This cause is close to my heart. My son, Jack, began his life in the NICU after he was born sixteen weeks early weighing only 1lb, 7oz. For over two months, he was dependent on a ventilator and suffered numerous blood transfusions, endless needle sticks and a life-threatening infection. Against all odds, we brought Jack home in January 2015 after spending 111 days in the neonatal intensive care unit at Huntsville Hospital for Women & Children.

I documented his journey in photos and videos each and every day. While many days were unbelievably difficult and stressful, our time in the NICU was also sprinkled with awe-inspiring moments. To have a visual documentation of that journey is one of the best gifts I have given myself (and hopefully he'll be thankful to see it one day, too).

If you are a parent, friend, or family member interested learning more about The Tiny Footprints Project or know a family who could benefit from this experience, please visit The Tiny Footprints Website or send me an email and I'll be happy to send more information.